Directions to Morinesio
offers good driving directions from Cuneo (or other further cities
such as Nice or Torino) to Stroppo, Italy (in the
district of Cuneo, and the nearest town to Morinesio). The general
Michelin directions take you from Cuneo on the main road for the
Valley Maira (SP22), through the scenic riverside towns of Dronero,
Lottulo, and Maccra San Damiano.
Once you've passed the first sign for Stroppo, you'll want to start lookling out for a right turn up a hill. Take the right onto SP128 [1](note that the Michelin directions erroneously say it is a left turn). There is a big stack of signs posted at the turn that include Morinesio, along with Elva, Cucciales, San Martino, and other locations.
SP128 veers up a hill and around a bend past the village of Paschiero on the right. [2]. Continue on the main road which becomes SP335. From Paschiero you continue onward up the same road for 10-15 mins, past the Church of San Peyre [3], until you come to a small, sharp right turn marked with signs for Santuario Santa Maria / Ruata Valle / and (as I recall) Morinesio. [4]
Take this tiny road all the way up to Morinesio, another 10-15 mins (you will see another small sign for Ruata Valle on the right). You will pass several houses on your left as you approach the town. Bear left at a little intersection (i.e. don't continue on the road to Sanctuario Santa Maria, the church on the cliff) and you will drive 100 ft up a small hill to the main plaza of the village [5], where you will see cars and tractors parked. Park here, then continue up the same road on foot another 50 feet, until it ends in another path. Go left, and you will immediately see our giant party tent/ workshop atop a small hill. Casa dei Fiori is on the road a little further down on the left at #89, a wooden door next to a set of stairs descening to the apartments below.