The White Rabbit was, for once, right on time.
As President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama appeared at the South Portico of the White House, PAW's clockwork White Rabbits (from 2013's "Tick Tock" Halloween Parade) were there at attention, ready to greet the 5000 children and military service families assembled for the First Lady's annual trick-or-treating extravaganza.
The Wonderland-inspired Rabbits were part of a larger immersive performance, drawing on classics of children's literature and folk mythology. PAW's beloved Phoenix, glowing Frost Giants, and verdant, sinuous Jacks wandered the South Lawn, animated by students from the UNC School of the Arts, led by our amazing team of technician/directors: Rachel Shane, Brendan Regimbal, and Kate Brehm (all of whom were warmly embraced by the Obamas in an intimate gathering in the China Room).
