The Ram in Natural History
Ovis vignei (urial), southern Soviet Central Asia,
northeastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, northwestern
India, Oman
Ovis ammon (argali), southern Siberia, eastern Soviet Central
Asia, Mongolia, northern China, Sinkiang, Tibet, Himalayan region
Ovis orientalis (Asiatic mouflon), Asia Minor, western
Ovis musimon (mouflon), Corsica, Sardinia, Cyprus
Ovis aries (domestic sheep), worldwide in association with
For a good summary of information on rams, in natural and domestic habitats, follow these links:
University of Michagan Museum of Zoology .
Walker's Mammals of the World Online (Johns Hopkins Press), Ronald M Nowak
The Bighorn Institute (dedicated to education and preservation of wild N. American bighorn sheep)
- (The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County)